Extensive Testing Procedures And Documentation
ISG is dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services on the planet. The ISG quality philosophy is quality through process control. This is accomplished by establishing and documenting the best means, methods, and processes, then following them up by testing, auditing, and documenting each ISG step, from initial client interface, design, production, delivery, to site commissioning and product support.
ISG QA/QC plan is driven by process control, testing, documenting and continues process improvement. ISG processes, means and methods are outlined in extensive dynamic documented steps, manuals, production documents, training sheets, QA/QC monitoring, documents, corrective action forms and process tracking. Test the tester and train the trainer steps are initiated through each process and step. All are documented and managed, with the constant search for Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). ISG breaks down the process of manufacturing each of our product types in key micro build and steps. Each of these micro-builds or steps is continuously evaluated for improvement while documenting each step using production books, manuals, direction sheets and training documents.
All products are Quality assured and controlled, from the point of estimating, design and engineering, throughout the production process and finally testing, performance proving and after delivery support. All products and production steps are documented with detailed digital photographs to go with extensive production documentation, all focused on quality and 100% correct products.